The BBC show “Revolting” created a comedy sketch titled “Real Housewives of ISIS” which pokes fun at the wives of ISIS fighters that were groomed online.
The show has received backlash from its viewers on social media with many calling it “distasteful.” Others have praised the sketch for mocking terrorists.
The sketch is a satire of the popular Bravo TV series called “The Real Housewives.”
The show features four different British women in hijabs discussing their new life in the Islamic State.
One of the scenes shows one of the women showing off her new suicide vest that her husband got her.
“She looked massive,” one of the other women commented. “You’re gonna need a lot of Semtex to kill that one.”
In another portion of the skit, one character is heard saying, “It’s only three days until the beheading and I’ve got no idea what I’m gonna wear.”