The “Act Now To Stop War & End Racism Coalition” or “ANSWER Coalition” has announced that the largest anti-Trump protest planned for Inauguration Day will be held at the Navy Memorial in Washington D.C.. The memorial is along the parade route which will be taken by Donald Trump following his swearing in ceremony to become the 45th President of the United States. The group says that the protest will be a “powerful rejection of the Trump Agenda on Day One of his administration.”
“The Navy Memorial stage will feature leaders from every grassroots movement — immigrant rights, labor, environmental justice, women’s rights, Movement for Black Lives, LGBTQ equality, anti-war and others — as well as progressive leaders from the whole spectrum of faith communities,” ANSWER wrote on their site. Artists, musicians and DJs will be performing throughout the day.”
The group also stated that there will be a 28-foot stage and a “huge” sound system at the location so that “Trump, his big donors, the international media and indeed the whole world will see our presence.” The ANSWER organizers added that the stage set up will cost about $20,000 and other costs are adding up “but they are necessary for the success of this historic mobilization” and urge supporters to donate.
“We must raise thousands of dollars to defray the enormous costs for this historic mobilization that will “inaugurate the resistance” to Trump’s extremist political program,” they state.
ANSWER also said that they were pushing for protestors to join demonstrations set for another location but are now urging supporters to go to the Navy Memorial because the space is larger.
“Previously, we had emphasized our protest site at Freedom Plaza but now we are directing people to go to the newly secured area at Navy Memorial. While permits remain for Freedom Plaza, the Navy Memorial will see a much larger gathering of protesters and a much larger stage,” they added.
The ANSWER Coalition formed days after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States and work towards “connecting the flight for social justice at home and in opposition to war and occupation abroad.”