These Marines are being trained on how to react in different situations, such as losing vision with pepper spray or oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray, and being tased. Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean you give up in battle. If you want to live you have to overcome the pain and make use is trying to show these men and women.
If you were in the military and can relate, you probably have your own unique memories of the gas chamber and how you and those around you reacted. The yells, the snot — the works. The gas chamber is a very effective nasal decongestant, too.

Marine pepper sprayed during training (WarLeaks – Military Blog/YouTube)
Being tased, blasted with pepper spray, and gas chambered are all a reality for Marines training for battle. Imagine not being prepared or knowing what to expect — it could mean life or death.
As you will see in the video, first the Marines get hit across the forehead with a stream of pepper spray to get them used to the burning sensation, but as the video continues, you see them get hit with it a second time and expected to perform. They have to immediately do some jumping jacks and then maybe fight off an enemy or call for back-up, all while practically blinded.
Watch the intense training in the video below:
With red faces, limited ability to breathe, and the feeling that a million needles are piercing their eyes, the Marines must go on to save themselves and their fellow Marines. One Marine described it as the worst pain he’s ever felt in his life. Another described it as sandpaper across their eyes.
The Marines are seen trying to rinse the pepper spray out of their eyes with water, but it doesn’t do much to relieve their pain.
They must also endure being tased in a separate session. Every single Marine fell to the ground once tased, as their body locked up and they were practically unable to even move.

US Marines React To Being Pepper Sprayed And Tased – (WarLeaks – Military Blog/YouTube)
Simply telling someone what to expect could never work; they have to experience it first-hand, whether on the giving or receiving side of it. They need to know how it can impair a suspect they inflict with those tools, as well as what a suspect continues to be capable of under such effects.
The exercise also teaches the Marines how to overcome debilitating pain and psychological effects like anxiety and panic to take control of a dangerous situation.