Few occasions are as heartwarming as a service member homecoming. After spending months or even years away from friends and family, finally being reunited is a moving moment for everyone. Watching ten straight minutes of some of the most emotional homecomings is sure to make even the toughest amongst us shed a tear or two.
Check out the video below that includes dozens of heartfelt service member homecomings and see how long you can go before getting choked up:
Some service members deploy for as few as months at a time, but other deployments can last more than a year away from home. During times of war through multiple tours of duty, some service members may even go multiple years before returning back to their loved ones.
The uncertainty of their tour duration, limited communication, and inherent risks during deployment all make for a difficult time for the friends and family of those in uniform. After all is said and done, the return home is all the more sweeter.

Soldier homecomings are a special and touching moment for friends, family and everyone in attendance. (Respect – More Than Just a Word/YouTube)
The video clip includes a number of surprise homecomings, from a brother walking out onto the football field, to a husband waiting at home for his unsuspecting wife. Some of the most touching moments include those reunions in which a crowd is there to cheer on the service member and their family.

Soldier homecomings are a special and touching moment for friends, family and everyone in attendance. (Respect – More Than Just a Word/YouTube)
Some service members even have a furry, four-legged friend eager to greet them as well. It is sometimes easy to forget that pets can miss their owners just as much as anyone else in the household.

Soldier homecomings are a special and touching moment for friends, family and everyone in attendance. (Respect – More Than Just a Word/YouTube)
Perhaps the most moving homecomings are those in which children are reunited with their parent. Having a mother or father deployed can be particularly difficult for children, and missing out on school, sports, and other events can be just as taxing for a parent.
In the end, the men and women who serve offer up the ultimate sacrifice, and watching these soldier homecomings are an important reminder of what they are willing to do to protect the freedoms of this great country. We extend our unending gratitude to those stationed at home and abroad, and offer our love and support to the families of those deployed.