Okay, this is hilarious. Maybe a little exaggerated. When a vet gets an office job it’s going to be a whole different ballgame than what they’re used to. There’s going to be several different types of people that a veteran just isn’t used to being around. Some people just don’t have a sense of humor or get easily “triggered” and take offense to everything. If you work in an office, you likely have a good sense of these types of people. Sometimes it’s just easier to stay away from them due to drama.

Mike explains why he doesn’t like Drew (YouTube)
The video starts off with the various co-workers getting called in to share their thoughts about Drew, the veteran who has innocently stirred some ruckus in the office. The interviewer starts by asking Chang to give his grievances about Drew, but remains silent as he apparently is loyal to Drew and doesn’t have any problems with him. The other co-workers, however, had plenty to say about Drew.

Office woman has a lot of complaints about Drew (YouTube)
John is called in next and starts off by naming a bunch of negative adjectives that he feels describe Drew. The video then focuses on Mike, who claims that Drew can be defined by a single inappropriate word. In addition, Mike, who mentions that he’s a Marine, goes after Drew for being in the Army. Clearly, these two men are rivals because they served in different branches of the military. Next, the video focuses on an unnamed girl from “the front desk” who rattles off a bunch of derogatory words to describe Drew. She is clearly annoyed with him and the pair used to have a “thing.”
Finally, Drew has his chance to be interviewed and starts off by saying that he is “surrounded by idiots.” The reason why he feels this way is because everyone gets triggered and disturbed just by him being himself. Admittedly, he enjoys making the workday fun and interesting by pulling pranks on his co-workers. For example, Drew gave one of his co-workers a Coca-Cola bottle that was filled with his dip spit. The victim of the prank thought he was handed a bottle of the delicious carbonated soda and was surprised when he nearly ingested a mouth full of disgusting dip spit.
Essentially, the purpose of this video is not only to make the viewers laugh, but also to show that veterans like to be fun in the workplace and co-workers shouldn’t take everything too seriously and instead relax in a work environment.