Iran has opened a theme park in the city of Mashhad aimed at imploring children to have fun, but also encourage the impressionable youth to hate Iran’s ememies: Israel & the West. The “City of Games for Revolutionary Children” park allows kids to dress in full combat gear and “attack the enemies” of Iran. The local authorities call it the “park of the revolution’s children.”
In the park, the kids are trained to shoot fixed and moving targets, targets that carry the flag of the United States and Israel. They’re equipped with fake AK47s and encouraged to shoot their plastic bullets at things like effigies of Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
As they go through the park, the children are divided into groups and each group has its own military leader. The leader must lead the kids through different rooms such as the “revolution room” and the “Iraqi-Iranian war room,” where they’re made to conduct exercises through a simulated war zone packed with barbed wire and virtual mine fields.
The park’s design is based on real Iranian military sites that existed during the time of the Iraqi-Iranian war. Some critics imply that the fake drills the children take part in are much like those that ISIS conducts while they’re training young boys to become jihadists. In some parts of the park, they are even shown what it is like to fight ISIS in Syria. In one section, there is a fake Mosque modeled after one in Syria that the children are forced to defend against attackers.
The final exercise of the park is said to have “the most important elements for attaining victory are wisdom and intelligence for fighting the enemy,” as boys are blindfolded and asked to throw a ball at an Israeli flag.
Hamad Sadeqi, the chief of the department that manages the park, said: “At the City of Games, we are trying to convey to the children messages about fighting, the Holy Defence and current global issues, through games, amusements, and group activities.”