Our elite Artillery force doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. It should be noted, despite this lack of credit, it can take out an entire city in a matter of minutes. The MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) can eliminate an entire grid square from miles and miles away. If the enemy is hiding away in buildings, they will not be hiding for long, these rockets will completely annihilate anything in their path. This is why it has the nickname, “Steel Rain.”
In the video, this is an MLRS strike on Daesh targeting the strategic city of Sirmaniyah near the Latakia/Idlib border in Syria. One minute you see it and the next you don’t, the precise concept behind the vicious Multiple Launch Rocket System. It truly rains hell.

As you can see in the video, the initial target is hit and then numerous balls of death follow. The rockets travel quite far to get to the next intended target, taking out everything and anything in its path. See how many targets it wipes out in just over two minutes. Unbelievable!
According to Military.com, “the Multiple Launch Rocket System is formerly known as the General Support Rocket System (GSRS) and is designed to supplement cannon weapons available to U.S. Army division and corps commanders for the delivery of a large volume of firepower in a very short time against critical, time-sensitive targets. It is a high-mobility automatic system based on an M270 weapons platform and can support and deliver all free flight basic and extended-range (ER-MLRS) rockets and the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) Block I missiles.”
The Multiple Launch Rocket System has an M270 launcher loaded with 12 rockets, packaged in two six-rocket pods, Military.com explained. These pods are what delivers the hellish rain mentioned above. Even more impressive is the fact that it is self-loading and self-aiming and has a “fire control computer that assimilates the vehicle and rocket launching maneuvers.”

The system has the capacity to fire 12 rockets in under one minute. It is manufactured by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control and sees service in the US Army. MLRS was deployed on February 13, 1991 in Operation Desert Storm, as one of the newest additions to the U.S. Army arsenal at the time. It also served in Operation Iraqi Freedom in March and April 2003.
Army Technology explained, “The tactical rocket warhead contains 644 M77 munitions, which are dispensed above the target in mid-air. The dual-purpose bomblets are armed during free fall and a simple drag ribbon orients the bomblets for impact.”