The CEO of Texas Armoring Corporation (TAC) gives new meaning to standing behind his products. In a video posted to YouTube, the head of the company sits inside an SUV fitted with TAC’s own bulletproof glass. One of his employees then fires a handful of rounds directly at his boss.
The impressive demonstration is certainly a unique advertising strategy that seems to have paid off. The video has racked up more than twenty million views since it went live.

CEO of Texas Armoring Corporation Trent Kimball sits behind the wheel of an SUV outfitted with his company’s bulletproof glass as AK-47 bullets are fired directly at him. (armoredvehicles/YouTube)
After a long list of warnings and disclaimers stating to of course not attempt this same demonstration at home, Trent Kimball steps into frame to introduce what is about to happen.
“When it comes to assuring our clients’ safety, we take product testing extremely seriously,” Kimball says.
Check out the entire video below:
Kimball then walks over to a Mercedes-Benz SUV fitted with TAC’s bulletproof glass. One of his employees, armed with an AK-47, aims down his sights directly at the front windshield – and Kimball’s head – and fires away.
Twelve ear-splitting shots fire from the weapon and smack every inch of the windshield. With each bullet, the battered windshield seems like it should not be able to handle any more.

CEO of Texas Armoring Corporation Trent Kimball sits behind the wheel of an SUV outfitted with his company’s bulletproof glass as AK-47 bullets are fired directly at him. (armoredvehicles/YouTube)
After the final round and with the glass now completely destroyed, Kimball climbs out of the SUV unharmed.
Furthermore, an inside shot of the SUV revealed the bullets easily being stopped by the glass. Kimball is seen calmly sitting at the driver’s seat with the bullets stopping dead in their tracks against the impenetrable windshield.

CEO of Texas Armoring Corporation Trent Kimball sits behind the wheel of an SUV outfitted with his company’s bulletproof glass as AK-47 bullets are fired directly at him. (armoredvehicles/YouTube)
At the conclusion of the video, Kimball offers just one piece of advice: “Life is valuable. Protect it.”
For the non-believers, TAC also included various uncut camera angles of the demonstration which hope to offer some reassurance that there were no camera tricks, no stand-in dummies and no funny business.
TAC has been a leader in providing aftermarket armored protection for clients for a number of years. The company has outfitted armor on all kinds of vehicles including pick-up trucks, sedans and minivans.