A top Putin ally says a vote for Trump is a vote for peace, while a vote for Clinton is a vote for an all out nuclear war. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a Russian politician and spirited confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin, sat down with Reuters in Moscow earlier this week and delivered the interviewers his dire warning. Zhirinovsky, who identifies himself to be someone who is very similar in character to Trump, believes the Republican nominee is the only candidate in the race that will keep peace on Earth, mainly because he doesn’t care enough to start stirring things up.
“He (Trump) won’t care about Syria, Libya and Iraq and why an earth should America interfere in these countries?” Zhirinovsky asked. “And Ukraine. Who needs Ukraine?”
Because of his indifference to meddle in foreign affairs, Zhirinovsky said “Trump will have a brilliant chance to make relations more peaceful.” Adding that, “He’s the only one who can do this.”
“Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump,” said Zhirinovsky, “But if they vote for Hillary it’s war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere.”
Zhirinovsky added that with the current head-butting between Moscow and Washington, “Relations between Russia and the United States can’t get any worse. The only way they can get worse is if a war starts.”

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in 2009 with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issuing the famous “reset button” to the Russian leader, a failed attempt to clean up relations with Russia.
Zhirinovsky went on to describe Clinton as “an evil mother-in-law” who proved during her time as Secretary of State that she was unfit to lead the country.
“She craves power,” he said. “Her view is that Hillary is the most important person on the planet, that America is an exceptional country, as Barack Obama said. That’s dangerous. She could start a nuclear war.”
Zhirinovsky continued on by stating that Hillary’s gender did in fact play a role in her ability to lead the country saying, “you can’t take the risk of having one of the richest, most powerful countries led by a woman president.”
“Victory for Trump would be a gift to humanity,” Zhirinovsky said. “But if Hillary Clinton wins it will be the last U.S. president ever.”