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Clinton VP Tim Kaine Says He Is Proud Of His “F” Rating By The NRA

October 07, 2016

During the October 4th Vice Presidential debate, Tim Kaine claimed that he was a “strong Second Amendment supporter” despite that the NRA gave him an “F” rating for his “tenure at both the state and federal levels,” according to an NRA Tweet.

While talking about his support for the Second Amendment he decided to push more gun control as a part of the Hillary-Kaine campaign.

During the debate he was asked whether “we ask too much of police in our country?” and then transitioned to responding about gun control and gun violence.

“I’m a gun owner, I’m a strong Second Amendment supporter, but I’ve got a lot of scar tissue because when I was governor of Virginia there was a horrible shooting at Virginia Tech,” Kaine said. “And we learned that, through that painful situation, that gaps in the background record system should have been closed and that could have prevented that crime. So we’re going work to do things like close background record checks and if we do, we won’t have the tragedies that we did.”

Virginia Tech is a gun-free zone and the shooter involved in the attack legally purchased his firearms through the proper background checks.

During the debate the NRA tweeted out Tim Kaine’s ratings on the Second Amendment.

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Here is Tim Kaine’s response to the NRA tweet.

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