Spain’s Centre against Terrorism and Organised Crime (Citco) has released a new report warning the West and European countries that ISIS may target airports through the use of drones, terrorists that have secured jobs as airport personnel, and Google Maps. The new report, titled “Terrorist Threat Against Civil Aviation” shows that advances in everyday technology is making it easier and easier for terrorists to carry out attacks using tools that are available to the average consumer.

A typical drone available to consumers.
The report warns that countries with high levels of tourism are likely to be targeted. Terrorists have been using google’s mapping tools, such as Google Maps and Google Earth, to get aerial and street views of locations so they can plan out their attacks in great detail. The report stated:
“Through this application[Google Maps] anyone can get high-quality images of airport grounds, avoiding the risk of being detected in routine surveillance prior to the crime.”
Citco touches on the possibility of terrorists obtaining jobs within the aviation industry and using their knowledge of the airport and security clearances to grant other jihadists access to the facilities. It is also possible that current airport employees can become radicalized.
The report also cites consumer drones as the number one threat against aircraft. Concerns of the remote controlled devices being used to transport explosives to restricted areas where they can be detonated represent a legitimate threat to aircraft.