Those who have served overseas in a combat zone know that nothing can prepare you fully for what you will encounter.
It’s not just the moments where the battle between life and death is front and center but also all the day to day experiences that are wholly unfamiliar.
A war movie that is seen in a movie theater is nothing like the real deal. It is sugar-coated and the feeling is completely different. There are plenty of things that go on that are never told or shown in the movies.
Every year, thousands of young men and women join the Army or the military, and are sent to war. While war is going on and during times of chaos, there are a number of interesting things that make being part of the U.S. military enjoyable.

Deep bonds are often formed in the military. (YouTube)
The first thing these veterans say no one tells you about going to war is the food and drink. Depending on where a servicemember is deployed to, they can try out a variety of different foods that they wouldn’t normally be exposed to while in the United States. The United States military deploys service members to all parts of the globe, meaning that the variety of food that service members can experience is abundant.
Service members also find that there is plenty of down time where they need to find forms of entertainment. Several servicemembers serve deployments that can last months or even years. While they still have to face the reality of war, spending years away from home means a lot of free time needs to be filled. One of the veterans said when he had free time, he often watched lighthearted and kid-centric movies including Stick It and Bring It.
One veteran said flipping the switch from talking about a movie or tv show to operating in a mission became a norm.
Sleeping arrangements became interesting for those serving during times of war. Grown men would cuddle with one another in an attempt to stay warm.
The last thing these veterans found during times of war is friendship and the bond they create with fellow servicemembers. Not only did these servicemembers create friendships with fellow Americans, they also created friendships with troops from other countries they fought alongside.

All important reflective belt (YouTube)
While the reality of war is grim, there are lighter sides to it that make being a servicemember interesting and enjoyable.
Here is a pretty humorous look at some of those things that are never told.
Check it out: