Sebastian Gorka, author of ‘Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War’, appeared on 77WABC radio and stated that he believes the Obama Administration is simply buying its time until it can hand the responsibility of defeating ISIS off to the next administration. He states that the U.S. is currently engaging in what he calls “the death of a thousand cuts” warfare. The United States is forced to fight ISIS and its affiliate terrorist groups on several different fronts. He accuses Obama of deploying soldiers in numbers so small that they make not strategic impact on the war itself and simply provide the illusion of fighting terrorism in the Middle East.
He cites the Kurdish Peshmerga’s inability to reclaim territory from terrorist groups to validate his argument. He implies that the United States needs to make more significant pushes to assist local anti-ISIS forces if they ever wish to truly defeat the terrorist organization. Listen to Gorka slam the Obama administration in an excerpt of his interview with 77WABC radio in the AudioBurst below: