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NSA Whistleblower: NSA Has All Of Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails

August 04, 2016

According to a former long-time NSA official turned whistleblower, the NSA has all of Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails and the FBI can “get them right now.”

William Binney worked for the NSA as an architect for their surveillance program and worked there for nearly 40 years before resigning from the agency back in 2001. Since then, Binney has been regarded as one of the countries infamous whistleblowers.

On Sunday, Binney made the claim on Aaron Klein’s Investigative Radio that the NSA has all of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Binney referenced former FBI Director Robert Muellers testimony in front of a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where he said that the NSA has access to “searchable databases” that can “track down known and suspected terrorists.”

“Now what he [Mueller] is talking about is going into the NSA database, which is shown of course in the [Edward] Snowden material released, which shows a direct access into the NSA database by the FBI and the CIA. Which there is no oversight of by the way. So that means that NSA and a number of agencies in the U.S. government also have those emails,” Binney said. “So if the FBI really wanted them they can go into that database and get them right now.”

Fox News Senior Judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said on Fox and Friends Tuesday that the database could cause issues for FBI Director James Comey.

Napolitano said that accessing the database “would be revealing that the NSA does in fact have everyone’s emails, which a lot of us believe.”

In early July, Comey and the FBI recommended no charges against Hillary Clinton for the use of her private email server while serving as Secretary of State.

Binney also said there was a possibility that Russia wasn’t responsible for the Democratic National Convention hack, but instead by a person at the NSA that was upset with Hillary Clinton’s “extremely careless” use of her private email server.

“The other point is that Hillary, according to an article published by the Observer in March of this year, has a problem with NSA because she compromised Gamma material.  Now that is the most sensitive material at NSA. And so there were a number of NSA officials complaining to the press or to the people who wrote the article that she did that. She lifted the material that was in her emails directly out of Gamma reporting. That is a direct compromise of the most sensitive material at the NSA. So she’s got a real problem there. So there are many people who have problems with what she has done in the past. So I don’t necessarily look at the Russians as the only one who got into those emails,” Binney said.
