The first picture of the terrorist that killed 84 people at a Bastille Day celebration in Nice, France has been revealed after it was found at the scene of the attack. Police found documents belonging to Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the 31-year-old French man of Tunisian descent, in the truck that drove through crowds gathered to watch a fireworks display in Nice. Photo ID was discovered at the scene which allowed police to identify the attacker.
Bouhlel was killed by police in a shootout. The ID below was discovered by police as they searched through the truck used in the attack. Police also found the truck to be stockpiled with guns and grenades, some being fake.

Photo ID of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel found at the scene of the crime.
Bouhlel was discovered to be a 31-year-old father of three. He worked as a delivery driver and had a history of committing minor crimes but did not have any known ties to terrorist organizations. Police have investigated his apartment and have been questioning his family.

Photo of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel’s children taken from his facebook page.
Neighbors have stated that Bouhlel was an unusual man that was always seen alone. One neighbor told reporters that he often made them feel uncomfortable by the way he looked at them. Police will continue to question neighbors and family until more significant details can be discovered.