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Israeli Prime Minister Blames Ideology, Not Guns, In Powerful Speech On The Orlando Terror Attack

June 16, 2016

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech urging people all over the world to reach out and comfort our friends the LGBT community. He reminds us that the homegrown terrorist in Orlando was driven to commit this atrocity by a “fanatical hatred” and was supported by a minority group of weak-minded individuals. He cites atrocities these groups have committed against gays in Syria and Iran and has called for an end to the silence.


He reminds us that an attack on the LGBT community is an attack on all of us. Terror groups do not see “shades of infidel” and attack indiscriminately. He calls all viewers of the video to stand united and resolute in the belief that all people deserve respect and deserve dignity. Listen to his full speech in the video below:
