Some weekend DIY projects might include painting the spare room or putting in some extra shelving. Other projects might require a bit more creativity, like knitting a blanket or creating some artwork for the home. But as practical as those might be, it is sometimes fun to make something a little out of the ordinary.
The host of the NightHawkInLight YouTube channel shows off one DIY project that might not be all that practical or safe, but would surely be the centerpiece of anyone’s office.

How To Make A Desktop Nitrocellulose Cannon. (NightHawkInLight/YouTube)
The video is a step-by-step guide on how to build a mini cannon that shoots eye-opening fireballs with the press of a button. As complicated as it sounds, the instructions are actually fairly straightforward, and the result is worth the effort.
Check out all the instructions and the canon in action in the video below:
The mini canon is constructed of some fairly common materials: copper piping, a block of wood, two batteries and some wire. The trick, of course, is getting all those ingredients to interact with one another in the correct way, but NightHawkInLight does a great job explaining the entire process.
The block of wood is used as the base of the canon with the copper piping hinged to it. He also uses copper piping for the cartridges, which hold the special ingredient that creates the fireball. The two huge six volt batteries used in the video are not exactly a common household item, and the wiring and soldering needed to bring everything together might be a little complicated, but overall the project is relatively straightforward given the impressive outcome.

How To Make A Desktop Nitrocellulose Cannon. (NightHawkInLight/YouTube)
For the fireball, the host uses flash cotton that ignites into a mesmerizing fiery display for a split second as it shoots from the mini canon. While the canon does not launch any actual projectiles, the result is still an impressive flash of flames and smoke.
The entire canon ends up being small enough to display on a desk or shelf, and would likely be quite the conversation piece in anyone’s home.

How To Make A Desktop Nitrocellulose Cannon. (NightHawkInLight/YouTube)
NightHawkInLight is a YouTube channel dedicated to fun and unique DIY projects. Some of his most popular videos include “How To Make a Paper Crossbow” and “How To Make A Fire Tornado.” He also has created mini canons from other common household items including lighters, paper and PVC piping.