The United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) lack of action on Iran just garnered the attention from a prominent member of Congress. Senator Bob Corker (R – TN), the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, had some strong language for the Obama administration and the UNSC over Iran’s ballistic missile program.
Reuters reported that the UNSC diplomats didn’t think the evidence that Iran violated the resolution was strong enough to merit additional sanctions, including the United States and her allies. This lack of action prompted Senator Corker to issue a statement with the following:
“[This] directly contradicts assurances made by the administration. As many of us feared, now it appears Iran can defy those restrictions with impunity, fearing no push-back from the U.N. Security Council.”
Senator Corker was one of many Congressional Republicans who opposed the Iran nuclear pact, which the U.N. Security Council approved in July by adopting U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231. This resolution is clear that Iran is not to launch nuclear-capable ballistic missiles else face sanctions as a result. After the deal was finalized, the Obama administration insisted that the only sanctions that would be recalled would be those pertaining to Iran’s nuclear activity.
Recently, the U.S. Treasury Department has placed sanctions and blacklisted on two Iranian companies who are directly affiliated with the Iran’s ballistic missile program . Additionally, there is bipartisan support for coming down hard on Iran regarding its missile tests with several Democrats who originally supported the Iran deal now arguing it is imperative that Iran be accountable for its actions to maintain the integrity of this deal. Senator Corker and Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), are expected to soon release legislation stepping up sanctions against Iran over its ballistic missile program.
Will this legislation step up the sanctions against Iran and have the desired effect or will Iran continue with the ballistic missile program regardless of sanctions? Sound off in the comments below!