Krav Maga is a self-defense system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that consists of a wide combination of techniques. Something in line with the US Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP). One of the differences is that Israelis get attacked at home almost every day, so they need to truly have everything, or almost everything, covered. Like what to do when someone puts a gun to your face? Watch and learn, it could save your life.

Attacks and robberies are everyday facts of life in some neighborhoods. A punk pulls out a gun and puts it to your face to either try to harm you or try to intimidate you into giving them something they want. The important thing to know is that you’re not defenseless.
Master Rhon Mizrachi conducts the techniques in the video with two students. Master Mizrachi says when a gun is held against you there are only two assumptions, and they are not assumptions. It is what’s going to happen. The minute you touched it; it will fire. And that’s a fact. Right after it fires, the shooters arm or back will fling backwards, both posing problems to the victim.
Since it is certain that the gun will fire, the number one priority is to get out of the line of the gun. The second most important thing is to know that you will have to chase the gun or duck below the firing range. Mizrachi said, “I’m gonna get off the line, and I’m gonna strike him. And I’m gonna attack in, bringing the gun into his belly. From here, I’m going to yank it out, throw a fresh round empty chamber, and open the gap.”

That sure does seem like a lot to do and consider there is zero room for error. It does seem to the average person that this is a lot to remember considering that you have a loaded gun held to your face. Maybe with practice one could build up the confidence that Master Mizrachi has. His moves seem effortless, but you can also tell this wasn’t his first rodeo either.
One thing is for sure, a good, well-practiced self-defense plan is essential in the unfortunate event that you need one. It is likely that not much could be scarier than someone having a gun pointed to your face and being at their mercy. That means practicing and planning for this could very well be a wise idea. After all, some practice is surely better than none at all.