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Palestinian Jihad Leader: We Want A Massacre Of The Jews!

March 23, 2016

The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ahmed al-Modallal, called upon supporters to increase terrorist infiltration of Jewish settlements inside Israel. This Iranian-backed terror group is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Israelis due to suicide bombers and shootings that span across the state of Israel.


In a recent demonstration held by Islamic Jihad, Ahmed al-Modallal said,

The Americans and Europeans won’t stop this intifada (uprising), which will continue to strike at the heart of the occupation. We call on our people in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria to send out groups to block the Occupation’s roads and settlers, and to strike at the settlements with thousands [of terrorists]; let the arms of the Mujahedeen strike at the heart of the settlers, so that these criminals will know they will never be safe on Palestinian land.

The attacks by Palestinians on Israelis has increased over the last six months with no sign of abatement. As the world watches in horror at the terror attacks in Brussels, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the importance of unity on the fight on terror. He said,

In all these cases, the terrorists have no resolvable grievances. It’s not as if we could offer them Brussels or Istanbul or California or even the West Bank. That won’t satisfy their grievances because what they seek is our utter destruction and their total domination. Their basic demand is that we should simply disappear. Well, my friends, that’s not going to happen.

Israel faces terrorism on a daily basis, primarily from Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestine Islamic Jihad, all three of which Iran supports in some form or fashion. Should Iran have additional sanctions placed on them for supporting known terrorist groups or would it be a moot point? Sound off in the comments below!