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ISIS Under Relentless Cyber Attack By The U.S.

March 07, 2016

The U.S. Defense Department announced last Monday that they will be carrying out a more strategic cyber attack on ISIS. Defense Secretary Ash Carter defined the strategy by stating “this is something new in this war”. Cyber Command is headquartered in Fort Meade, Maryland and has only been in known existence for six years. Prior to the introduction of the Cyber Command, the U.S. did not make it publicly known that cyber attacks was employed.


U.S. officials confirmed that operations launched out of Fort Meade have concentrated on disturbing the online activities from ISIS . Officials also confirmed the effort is getting under way as experts try a range of attacks to see what will be more beneficial in the offensive. The only details that were shared were that the attacks include efforts to prevent ISIS from disseminating propaganda, videos, and other types of recruiting and messaging on social media sites such as Twitter, and across the Internet in general.

Watch the report here:

President Obama outlined the cyber command by justifying it, saying cyber attacks have the possibility to “save lives, Potentially, it could also lead to negotiations on a political settlement to end the civil war so that everybody can focus their attention on destroying ISIL(ISIS) and that’s why the United States will do everything we can to maximize chances of success in this cessation of hostilities.”

Could cyber security be more powerful to the U.S. than troops on the ground?

Why has it taken so long to implement this strategy? Sound off and share your stories and comments in the section below.