Parachuting out of the back of a speeding aircraft thousands of feet above the earth’s surface is not for the faint of heart. And a video of such an event might not be for the faint of heart, either.
A clip posted to YouTube shows more than 20 Special Ops paratroopers jumping out of a plane in a matter of seconds. The video itself is quite the spectacle, with the soldiers gracefully leaping out of the aircraft in pairs.

22 Special Ops Forces soldiers leap from an aircraft in just 14 seconds in a video posted online. (Special Forces Around The World/YouTube)
The clip wastes no time and immediately shows off a handful of soldiers already in free fall. All in a matter of 14 seconds, a dozen more men leap out of the aircraft two-by-two.
The soldiers seem to float out of the back of the plane – some even doing flips and spins – as the speeding aircraft cuts through the clouds.
Check out the paratroopers in the video clip below:
Jumping out of the back of the plane is an incredible feat by itself, but the paratroopers in the clip are leaping under some less than ideal conditions.
The moderate cloud cover creates an added element of danger, with the group having to identify their landing spot with limited visibility. They of course must rely on their extensive training and are prepared to jump even in the most extreme circumstances.

22 Special Ops Forces soldiers leap from an aircraft in just 14 seconds in a video posted online. (Special Forces Around The World/YouTube)
Not much else is known about the video, with the video description not alluding to which Special Forces service members are featured. But the clip likely shows a training exercise of some sort in which the paratroopers are jumping in a controlled environment.
The ground below looks like a grassy field with some structures nearby, which is a stark contrast to the dry desert landscape of the Middle East where active combat usually takes place.

22 Special Ops Forces soldiers leap from an aircraft in just 14 seconds in a video posted online. (Special Forces Around The World/YouTube)
In the United States, basic parachute training is conducted at United States Army Airborne School, appropriately nicked “Jump School.” Soldiers begin their training on the ground before advancing to jumps from towers. By the end of their training, the soldiers conduct live jumps from C-130 and C-17 aircraft.
Today, there are nearly 50,000 paratroopers spanning each branch of the U.S. military.