What you are about to see is a prototype of the belt-fed 12 gauge upper receiver in action. The video, which was posted to YouTube in 2009 has garnered roughly 1.7 million views with mostly positive feedback.
This gun uses your lower receiver, so if you have an AR15, its a semi-automatic shotgun. However, if you have a registered m16 lower receiver or a drop in auto sear it becomes a full auto 12 gauge machine gun.
Even though this belt-fed 12 gauge upper receiver is amazing, there are a few problems with it. The person who created the video said he was having trouble getting the shotgun shells to eject from time to time.
This is evident in the video as he consistently has to fix the issue while firing. While this is not the ideal firearm to have in life or death situation, it still is an extremely interesting and fun weapon to fire while at home or at a range.

Beltfed 12 gauge (YouTube)
As can be seen in the video, there is a lot of kickback, so the belt-fed 12 gauge upper receiver needed to be stabilized on a wooden platform.
The short-barreled gun, which has a home-made upper receiver and an AR-15 rifle lower receiver can fire both automatic and semiautomatic 12 gauge ammunition, may be too short to be leal as the barrel does not reach the mandated 18-inch length.
In the United States, it is illegal for a private citizen to possess a shotgun with a barrel length shorter than 18 inches or a shotgun with an overall length of fewer than 26 inches without a tax-paid registration from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In the past eight years, the YouTube channel that uploaded the video has yet to release a new video. It is possible that because the shotgun has a short barrel that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms may have done something that way he couldn’t possess the shotgun anymore.

Beltfed 12 gauge (YouTube)
As can be seen at the beginning of the video, the individual holds down the trigger, allowing the weapon to fire automatically. He then lets go and fires several single shots. When this happens, the shotgun begins to have several issues and the shotgun shells are not properly ejecting. From there on out, the shotgun has to be fixed multiple times so it can continue firing in an automatic fashion.
Either way, this thing is incredible and shoots at an amazing speed. Check it out: