These are 25 incredible military vehicles you wish you could test drive. Granted, some of these you can already test drive, and others already have civilian counterparts, however, many of these bad boys are just way too hardcore for the military to put in civilian hands.
The UH-19XRW Hoverwing is available for military and commercial use but the amazing thing about this is that it hovers and has the capability to fly at just six feet above the surface.
The Toureg is still being tested by the German military but would be super cool to test. This is a vehicle Volkswagon with a turbo machine gun attached.

The Sand Cat is designed for rapid troop deployment that was designed by an Israeli company.
The LCAC stands for Landing Craft Air Cushion. It glides effortlessly across the beach delivering whatever is needed for troops.
These are 25 cutting edge military vehicles you wish you could test drive. Take a look.
The Gladiator is essentially a remote-controlled gun that looks like a mini tank.
The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle never quite made it into production but was a large box like tank that had the ability to go anywhere.
The M1249 is a MRAP Recovery Vehicle. It is designed to recover any military vehicle regardless of the amount of damage.
The Otokar Cobra is a Turkish amphibious assault vehicle that can fare in any terrain.
The IAI Guardian is simply a ground drone. It is designed for detecting, tracking, and disrupting unmanned aerial vehicles.

The LCAC trainer is a hovercraft used by the Navy to train pilots before they drive the real one.
The Federal Commander is still being tested by the US military as a rapid deployment vehicle.
The Gibbs Quadski is lightning fast and can hit speeds of 50 mph with super smooth transitions from land to water.
The Tardec RST-V was designed for mobile power generation on the battlefield.
The Ultra Armored Patrol vehicle may replace Humvees in the future and was developed by Georgia Tech.
The Chenowth Strike Vehicle, which is more like a buggy, is crazy fast, reaching speeds of 100 mph and built during the First Gulf War.
The VEPR Commander is a revised Hummer and used largely in Ukraine.
The FLYPmode is a next-gen jeep designed for nothing more than rapid deployment.
If the U.S. Army has their way, the Fed Alpha will be the next Hummer.
The Desert Patrol Buggy races through desert terrain. It was developed by Chenowth Racing Products.
The Humvee is just a true classic.
The Search and Rescue Tactical Vehicle is a mobile tactical vehicle designed for operations in rugged settings.
The G-Wagon is the German version of a Hummer.
The ZL 135 is a Russian missile launcher used during the Cold War but is very much still alive in North Korea.
The Fast Attack Vehicle Another is a turbo fast dune buggy that can go from 0-30 of less than 4 seconds even while in dunes.
The Marauder is used for peacekeeping missions in Asia and Africa.