The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought us images and footage from the front lines that have never been duplicated in any previous war or engagement.
These videos put us in the middle of the action and show us just how significant the sacrifices our men and women in uniform make for us every day.

US soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts. (FUNKER530/YouTube)
However, with every sobering reminder of the horrors of war are also amazing illustrations of heroism, badass explosions, funny moments, and clips that make you jump out of your seat.
In the next 3 minutes, put together by the awesome guys over at Funker530, you’ll see 100 of the best videos from the war in Afghanistan.
It is interesting to note that the U.S. army is composed of volunteers. Yes, some join the army because they are not sure what they should do after high school, some join for the GI Bill, and there are others that join to get away from a dysfunctional family.
There is also many who join for the income. It is a unique way to make a living. It is also an honorable one. You have health benefits, and there are many benefits that come with serving honorably in the military such as the VA home loan and all of that. There is also some who join who want to see different parts of the world and/or country.

Desert explosion in Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts. (FUNKER530/YouTube)
This video compilation of random footages from two wars: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan. They not only depict the plight of the soldiers who fight day in and day out but also show the state of the people in the two countries.
This video brings us face to face with what the people of Iraq and Afghanistan live with on a daily basis and makes us realize the sacrifice the soldiers make for America.

Desert explosion in Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts. (FUNKER530/YouTube)
These people have been living in fright for years, if not for decades. Saddam was rough on the Iraqi people, and the Taliban brutalized the people in Afghanistan. These videos show the trials and tribulations of combat and how chaotic warfare is. These are not safe parts of the world.
Whether you want to be awed, horrified, or simply a different world, this video is a fantastic reminder of what goes on in war and makes us grateful for the safe lives we live because of these brave soldiers.