F-14 Tomcats Dogfight Against Libya's Russian Made MiG-23 | American Military News
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F-14 Tomcats Dogfight Against Libya’s Russian Made MiG-23

February 12, 2016

On January 4, 1989, near the Libya coast, Two F-14s from the USS John F. Kennedy are alerted to a pair of Libyan MiG-23 Floggers. The F-14 Tomcats locked onto the MiGs with their powerful AWG radar. Normally such a radar lock would result in the MiGs retreating back to Libya, but not this time.


The F-14 Tomcats were the F-18 Super Hornets predecessors as Navy’s air superiority fighter jets, serving the Navy from 1974-2006. As you will see in this video, they were some tough cookies, not to be reckoned with. I’d say to ask those two Libya’s fighters about them, but they are in the bottom of the ocean right now. Tough luck.

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