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McCain Seeks Tough Penalty For ‘Deserter’ Bergdahl

October 12, 2015

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) knows better than anyone what it is like to be a POW. Now his attention is on the recently recovered Bowe Bergdahl, who is widely believed to have walked away from his post and then captured by the Taliban.

McCain said the following at a campaign stop for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC):

“If it comes out that he has no punishment, we’re going to have to have a hearing in the Senate Armed Services Committee, and I am not prejudging, OK, but it is well known that in the searches for Bergdahl, after — we know now — he deserted, there are allegations that some American soldiers were killed or wounded, or at the very least put their lives in danger, searching for what is clearly a deserter. We need to have a hearing on that.”


Unsurprisingly Bergdahl’s attorneys are not happy about McCains comments, and consider them inappropriate interference by the Chairman of an influential committee.

Gen. Robert Abrams, the commanding general of U.S. Army Forces Command, will decide if the case is referred to a court-martial.



PELHAM, N.H. — Former Vietnam POW and U.S. Sen. John McCain tells the Herald he’ll call a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee if accused Army deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is allowed to avoid prison — a potential power play Bergdahl’s attorney calls “unlawful” and “deeply disturbing.”

“If it comes out that he has no punishment, we’re going to have to have a hearing in the Senate Armed Services Committee,” said McCain, who chairs the committee. “And I am not prejudging, OK, but it is well known that in the searches for Bergdahl, after — we know now — he deserted, there are allegations that some American soldiers were killed or wounded, or at the very least put their lives in danger, searching for what is clearly a deserter. We need to have a hearing on that.”

Should that happen, Bergdahl’s attorney Eugene R. Fidell promised last night his defense team will launch an investigation of its own into McCain’s actions.


Do you believe Bergdahl deserted? If so will he be found guilty in front of a court-martial? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!