This crap gets more ridiculous every day. A disabled veteran’s family, the Lattin family in Whitney, Texas wanted to show support for Deputy Darren Goforth, who was killed by a random shooter outside a gas station.
So they put “Police Lives Matter” on their truck’s back window and blue ribbons along the fence outside their house.
So what did people do? They vandalized his truck so much it is now totaled. Most are assuming who did this is affiliated with the Black Lives Matter cop-killing movement.
Someone spray-painted obscenities about the police on their car and wrote “black lives matter” in spray paint across the side of the truck. The vandal or vandals also tore out the glove box, stole a laptop and scanner, and ripped up the truck’s seats.
“Engage me in a dialogue, don’t destroy my stuff,” Lattin said. “This is the only truck we have. I firmly believe black lives matter, white lives matter, police lives matter.”
And don’t forget that the hashtag #FYF which stands for ‘F**k Your Face’ was painted on their tailgate.
What do you think of the treatment of this veteran? Tell us below in the comments!