(AUDIO) Dwight Eisenhower Calls JFK During Cuban Missile Crisis | American Military News
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(AUDIO) Dwight Eisenhower Calls JFK During Cuban Missile Crisis

August 28, 2015

If you are a history buff, you’ll love this. On October 28, 1962 former President Dwight D. Eisenhower called President John F. Kennedy to offer insight into the latest moves by the USSR.


In the recording taken during the waining moments of the crisis JFK talks about Nikita Khrushchev’s recent agreement to pull missiles out of Cuba provided that the U.S. doesn’t invade Cuba.

However the two presidents shared their grave reservations about the Soviet’s trustworthiness.  Listen to the historic audio here:

Do you think JFK valued Eisenhower’s opinion? What was the turning point in the crisis? Share your thoughts in the comments below!