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Marine Bootcamp Hazing Incident Not Isolated To East Coast MCRD

May 05, 2017

The hazing of recruits at Marine Corps boot camp is not an isolated incident as one might think, although it has occurred much less on the west coast than on the east.  A recent report showed that two Drill Instructors had been investigated for hazing since 2014, which pales in comparison to the over 30 complaints made against drill instructors at Parris Island during the same time frame.

One of the complaints against one of the drill instructors said that recruits were forced into the mass shower and made to stand so closely together that their genitals touched. Another was accused of choking a recruit, although neither Marine still holds a position of authority at the recruit depot.

Investigators believe that incidents such as these set a bad trend for future Marines to be able to identify when something is being done for training purposes or to harm them. While conducting investigations, many of the recruits had different answers as to how the incident had affected them.

“I thought we were just supposed to get used to seeing other naked men,” wrote on recruit. “It’s against human rights; it’s something that you don’t do,” said another.
